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TWD Lands

#TWD Lands| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Yes, each survivor will be usable in TWD Lands. The character shown on your NFT will become a playable 3D Avatar in its Universe. Any weapons the character is holding or has on their person will be part of the holder’s inventory in the Universe. Some selected background locations will also be converted to assets in the universe as well as any Walkers shown in the NFT.


▍A Horde will yield twelve (12) generic walkers in the Universe

▍Small Group of Five – will yield five (5) generic walkers in the Universe

▍Small Group of Four – will yield four (4) generic walkers in the Universe

▍Small Group of Three will yield three (3) generic walkers in the Universe


▍Abandoned Industry: Panel Truck plus two birds in cages

▍Abandoned Rails: Farm flatbed truck with wood fencing plus one bird in a cage

▍Barn-Walker-Cart: One Walker plus one cart vehicle for attaching tools

▍Brick Building-Tank: Tank vehicle plus one Bird in a cage

▍Cemetery: Three birds in cages

▍Church: Increase of daily faction metrics

▍Electric Towers: 12 walkers, One voltage regulator for electricity generating machinery such as the Hamster wheel

▍Farm: Increase of personal energy per day

▍Forest and Jeep: One jeep plus one bird in a cage

▍Forest and Truck: 18 Wheeler Tractor Unit plus One bird in a cage

▍Hilltop Gardens: One Walker, one cart, one set of tools, an increase in daily energy from foodHilltop Trees: Wood for One Hamster wheel or two smaller projects plus one working windmill

▍Hilltop Walker Mill: One mill unit, one bird in a cage, five walkers, wood for one small project

▍Hilltop Water Tank: 3 water tank tools, one voltage regulator

▍Hilltop: Wood for one hamster wheel and one small project or three small projects.

▍House: One voltage regulator for electric generating machinery such as the Hamster wheel

▍Jail: Advanced Security Feature for all lands in faction.

▍Prison Walker Cart: One Walker, one cart that tools could be added to, One Tank vehicle

▍Terminus and Hamster Wheel: The Hamster wheel plus voltage regulator and machinery (minus walkers) to start generating electricity.

▍Terminus: Increase in Daily security

▍Trees: Lumber enough to construct one large walker-powered machine such as the Hamster wheel or two of the smaller walker-powered machines.

Note: Any other objects, buildings etc… shown in the NFT, unless included above, are not subject to move into the The Walking Dead Lands Universe.






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